Has a tiny mistake ever thrown off your progress? As a matter of fact, it did for me! You go to sleep at a decent time, determined to take a rest. Then you wake up to go to the bathroom and you do this one thing that will mess up your plan of a good night sleep. This is why I am looking forward to sharing with you my four success engines. Before that, let me continue with my story.
I thought I had it all figured out when I went to bed the other evening. I needed to upload something and because of the slow Internet speed, I thought I’d do it overnight. Smart, right? Of course, I went to bed thinking “no big deal, I can check in the morning.”
Yes sure, after coming out of the bathroom at about 4 am, I mindlessly went into the room where I put my computer to check the upload progress. The bright blue light of the computer HIT me like an explosion – which lasted for just about 5 seconds.
Self-Realization Happens When You Least Expect It
All things considered, I realized that I completely MESSED UP MY SLEEP PROGRESS within seconds.
That bright light was there in front of me for the rest of the night which was the end of my intention to have a good night rest. All I felt was “disappointment in myself,” for not following my initial plan to continue it in the morning.
This instant disruption of PROGRESS can happen in EVERY area of your life. Especially when it comes to your health goals. You don’t want stress to contribute to your age, do you? It can also be so discouraging that you actually find yourself giving up.
Changing Momentum
To say nothing but feeling bummed about that incident, I went back to bed feeling frustrated about the delay in progress and thinking why I did what I just did. I could have just stuck to my plan, but forgot about it in just a few seconds. Then I took one small step. I started to take several deep breaths. You know the kind that goes from the belly, from the core up to the chest? Very slowly, I exhaled, making sure that there was nothing left to breathe out. Let me guide you through the success engines you need to avoid what I have just experienced.
1. Forward Momentum
By just doing that one small step, I created the first engine called forward momentum. Then once in motion, there is a powerful law that takes in effect. That momentum created an interruption in behavior, almost like snapping me out of it, and this applies to all of us, really. In any given moment, our default behavior is influenced by our pre-existing habits. By this small step of consciously breathing, we’ve interrupted our existing habits.
2. Increased Motivation
The second engine is increased motivation, and I’m sure we all have experienced this. Changing direction takes extra energy compared to continuing, which is a very powerful incentive and motivator to continue what we’re doing, whether it’s ideal or not. However, let’s remember, by taking one small step, that momentum creates the energy. Therefore, it carries us forward without thought. Consequently, that increased motivation that we created through that forward motion helps us to want to continue toward that new and improved behavior.
You’re Halfway There!

3. Chance for Engagement
The third success engine is a chance for engagement. Generally speaking, you can only engage with an action once you start it. Therefore, engagement is how I, for example, began with sessions of just body movement for five minutes, and ended up with a full-blown 30-minute session of exercise. Or how the three minutes of breathing in my sleepless night episode actually helped me as well to create that forward moment and increased motivation and not let the situation affect me. Very, very powerful.

4. Improved Mood
Finally, the fourth success engine is improved mood. Now, once you begin an activity, your general feelings will no doubt change. For example, if it’s something you don’t think you should do, like let’s say eating or drinking your emotions with unhealthy choices, you might feel shame. On the other hand, if it’s something positive, your mood will improve immediately. They are both equally important. And we like doing the right things, right? It just feels good.
How powerful are these success engines?
These success engines can truly create a massive shift in your daily and long-term results. You don’t have to lose those 20 pounds in a day, learn how to do a regular push-up in an hour, or learn to eat the best foods for your body overnight. Consequently, leaning toward the right behaviors will help you achieve way more than you ever expected.
Interested in further reversing your biological age? Subscribe to my YouTube channel and live to tell what happens!
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