How is your week so far? I hope you will learn something new and healthy today! After all, we all share something in common: our love for food! In fact, if you heard of a “clean eater,” chances are you might probably be aware of the benefits the practice brings. In contrast, I would like to bring out the top 3 dirty facts about clean food that one of us probably thought of at some point in our daily routine.
We are all fond of many things. We want to have the best, because we believe it brings out the best of all worlds. For example, we always want to use good quality fuel because it runs smoothly. Consequently, when our engine runs smoothly, there would be less distractions and more enjoyment whenever we travel. So let us think about our body and how the fuel that we use affects its efficiency.
Therefore, let us ponder this question:
Do clean eaters care more about their health?
Clean eating – or eating clean – seems to be gaining popularity. You can find references to this trend in the Internet, the grocery stores or supermarkets, and even on your gadgets. What does this mean? Is this just another fad that is bound to lose its appeal?
I admire women who strive to live the best life that they can and embrace a healthy aging process. I am going to share with you how clean foods and “not-so-clean” foods affect your lifestyle and how eventually, they can influence your eating practices.
First of all, you probably know by know that obsession may lead to physical or mental punishment. When you eat something that you feel is unclean, it feels different. It may also lead to isolation, because you feel the criticism of others. Hence, the insecurity that you are not eating the same way like they do.
This happens when you refuse to eat any kind of food that contains additives. Consequently, you believe that it is not in its purest state. Certainly, not all additives spell U N H E A L T H Y. For example, adding Vitamin D drops to your milk or juice can increase your bone health. In addition, including protein in your diet can increase your required protein intake for the day.
A so-called clean diet is not the same as a healthy diet. In fact, many recommendations for a healthy diet do not limit prepacked or prepackaged goods. So, one of the other is not bad. Most noteworthy thing to remember is we do not feel guilty if we have “occasional” food that does not fall into a certain category.
Clean eating does not have to be a struggle. Furthermore, it does not have to bring out the worst in your opinion of food. You can opt to discover various ways to prepare your food, so it become more nutritious. The Internet is home to the many alternatives you can do to even increase its flavor without sacrificing its nutritional content. Remember that food makes us happy, but it needs to be healthy happiness. And what better way to start a healthy happiness but to make sure you do not dread your eating time because you do not like the food on your table. Above all, we do not want to put any unhealthy labels on food. As we have mentioned, they can be a source of happiness.
I hope I was able to help you distinguish between dirty and healthy foods. There is more in my Facebook group at Fire Up Academy for Women. We encourage, uplift one another, and provide helpful tips for our journey together. We would be very happy to have you over there!
Fire Up Academy for Women
Thank you very much for staying. If you have any questions, freely ask in the comment section. See you next time! Until then, stay healthy!