Too Much Cardio: Your Weight Loss Roadblock

Did you know that cardio could be your weight loss roadblock if you are not careful? Moreover, if you go to the gym frequently, you’ve probably seen a woman (always the same woman) glued to a treadmill whenever you see her. Maybe sometimes she switches it up with an elliptical. Either way, you’ve never seen her in with a dumbbell in hand.

Not sure who I’m talking about? Maybe you’re that woman. If so, your workout routine may actually be impeding your weight loss- or worse, contributing to your weight gain.


I like to call these women “cardio hoppers.” Cardio hopping is jumping from one cardio machine to another, and avoiding the weight room at all costs. Many women do so hoping to lose extra fat and weight. Little do they know, this strict high-cardio lifestyle may actually be keeping them fat, or in some cases, making them fatter.

When you’re not taking care of your body, you’re accelerating your biological aging clock. I specialize in taking advantage of biological aging to look and feel younger. I can attest that if you neglect your body, you will look and feel much older than you are. In contrast, the good news is that if you know how to exercise properly, you can use your biological clock to “cheat” your chronological age. It’s not witchcraft or folklore- just let me explain!


too much cardio weight loss

Why did I say that cardio may be that weight loss roadblock you were not aware of? Engaging in heavy cardio causes stress to your body because you’re exerting it. This is fine, until you go beyond your limits and enter survival mode. For example, if you’re not eating enough and you’re exclusively doing heavy cardio, your body will purposely cling to fat to protect itself. This is the opposite of what cardio hoppers are trying to achieve, yet it’s what so many struggle with!


too much cardio weight loss hunger

Naturally, too much cardio also makes you hungrier. People doing excessive cardio sessions eat an average of 100 calories more than what they exert during the session. This is a recipe for weight gain, as more calories = more weight; unless it is balanced with exercise. You want to be operating at a caloric deficit to lose weight, but often, cardio hoppers don’t realize that they are eating a caloric surplus. I know many of us, myself included, like to think “I earned this treat!” after a cardio session, but this practice will result to weight gain when done improperly.


too much cardio burns muscles

Lastly, perhaps most important of all, when your body is over-exerted during heavy cardio, it may turn to muscle as a source of energy. You are literally burning your muscles away while the fat sticks around- and no one wants that! Muscles are essential to looking and feeling young, so they are incredibly important to be maintained and strengthened. Not a fan of arm fat? Neither am I. That’s why do bicep curls and other arm exercises in addition to cardio. It truly makes a difference.

There’s more!

To crush your fitness goals and age better, be sure to combine strength training with your cardio. This can stave off starvation mode so that you don’t overeat (and gain weight) or use muscle for fuel while letting fat stick around. It is possible to become more toned and shed stubborn weight both at the same time.

Finally, after doing a properly structured workout, be sure to take advantage of the afterburn up to 48 hours after a workout. You can burn calories at an increased rate and increase your metabolism. If done right, you can experience these effects with as little as 30 minutes of activity a day.

So, cardio hoppers, I commend you for your good intentions and dedication to weight loss; however, you are likely getting in your own way. Start integrating strength training into your routine so that you can start to really crush your fitness goals. And if you still feel stuck… I can help! I motivate women all around the world to improve their lifestyles and age better. If you’re interested, you’re welcome to join the tribe:
Fire Up Academy for Women