Macronutrients, anyone? In this week’s video, I will show you a 3️⃣0️⃣-second thought process for each meal that will instantly “nourish” yourself younger and my so called “Complete in 3” that could definitely amaze you with positive results.
Have you ever tried a special blend of facial cream you saw in an advertisement after it promised to get rid of your wrinkles or puffy eyes? A moment later, you find out that the only thing it got rid of was your money.
Shortly after, you tell yourself:
I got sucked in again.
Yes, I get it. I’ve been there. Because we are so intent on seeing a better version of ourselves, we make mistakes. Likewise for a lot of people. For this reason, I’ve learned how to stay younger and reverse my age with much better smelling and delicious FOOD.
Once I started to eat a flexible diet that included “macronutrients,” I quickly realized how my youthful energy came back faster than I thought. Finally, this is exactly what I needed.
“Complete in 3” is the secret to having the youthful, vigorous energy that you need. We are not getting any older, and the last thing that we want to lose is our energy – not to count the happiness it brings to our lives. For less than 30 seconds, you can come up with a meal that is packed with the macronutrients your body needs.
What are macronutrients?
Macronutrients are types of food in our diet that need to be taken in large amounts for our bodies to function well. In fact, they can be found in almost all the food that we take even with just a snack or a glass of smoothies. Our body’s needs are very complex, hence the need to take care of it, always. We all know that our bodies cannot function well without drinking enough water. Similarly, this could also be true when you lack macronutrients on your diet.
What are the most common types of macronutrients?
1. Protein
Protein is for regeneration and repair. Our organs, muscles and living cells require a large amount of protein to repair and build. Furthermore, this type of macronutrient is important to repair muscle tissues and body cells that were worn out after exercise or other heavy body movements. Similarly, poultry and fish are both good sources of protein and when combined with vegetables and fruits that are protein rich as well, our body will definitely have a complete supply of macronutrients. You can either use a plant- or animal-based protein.

Fruits and vegetables that contain protein:
How do you infuse protein into your diet?
Add protein powder into your breakfast smoothies.
Sprinkle hemp hearts on top of your salads.
Finally, you can never go wrong with a bone broth in your veggie soup.
2. Healthy Fats
Scared of fats? Don’t be. In fact, there are many sources of healthy fats that can be added to your diet. This type of macronutrient plays an important role in the human brain development, cell functioning, your body’s ability to absorb vitamins and for the protection of your organs. Equally important to mention are some good sources of healthy fats: hemp seeds, nuts, dark chocolate, and extra virgin olive oil. Personally, I use coconut oil for that healthy fat that I need.
Easier said than done.
That is always what we think about when faced with a rather difficult task. If you are very keen at keeping not only your body healthy but your whole disposition as well, then you need some tips to achieve a younger, healthier version of you.
First of all, replace any unhealthy fat with healthy fats. One best example is using olive oil instead of butter or lard. Second, eat snacks that are full of macronutrients and give up salty chips. Finally, opt for fruits and vegetables like baby carrots, a slice of avocado or crackers dipped in peanut butter.
3. Low Glycemic Carbohydrates
If you are aiming to lose weight, why not choose a diet that is low in glycemic carbs? In fact, low glycemic carbs are also considered to be the best choice in the prevention of heart diseases and lowering of sugar levels. Choose some strawberries for your smoothies or enjoy the benefits of avocado. These work together with other macronutrients.

Some good sources of low glycemic carbs are:
Sweet Potatoes/Yam
Whole Wheat Bread
Why are macronutrients very important to our bodies?
Our bodies need constant nourishing and one way to achieve this is to feed your body with macronutrients that energize and revitalize your energy. Consequently, macronutirents make us feel good and healthy. Eventually, if you have a better understanding of what every macronutrient provides to your body, this will definitely keep you vibrant, feel youthful and look younger.
And now that you’ve learned a bit of macronutrients and their main functions on human body, try implementing them into your diet to achieve a healthier and younger you. Just remember the “Complete in 3” rule every time you have a meal and you won’t get lost. Follow me on Facebook to learn more!
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