Month: March 2019

How Fast Does Stress Age You?

Top 6 Things Affected by Stress That May Cause You to Age Fast!

You wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and ask yourself: “Why do my eyes look so tired? Have I put on weight? Am I getting dark circles around my eyes? Do I look older than I really am?”
I am sure you can relate to these thoughts; and at some point (more than once) you all have battled to answer these questions. But one question still remains, “How fast does stress age you”?

“My mom would tell me to count the days once I’m 50. Often I try to picture her at the age that I’m now. We didn’t use the word stress 40 years ago and it’s not a word I grew up with butI watched her literally age away, it became clearer to me what the problem really was.”

Now, just because you have to get older, no one said you had to do it quickly. And no one said you couldn’t age well and keep your youthful good looks, all because of your energy and health, right?

Many of us make the assumption that getting old has to automatically mean getting covered in wrinkles, losing our ability to walk around and eventually developing incontinence and dementia. As it happens though, none of these things are inevitable and most of them are only partially related to age!

Just look around!

While some people seem to be struggling to stand up straight and remember their name at 65, completely loosing control over how fast they are aging: others are still playing sports and writing books those who are well into their 80s and 90s.

Is the difference entirely genetic?

Not at all! In fact, there are numerous lifestyle changes that can make all the difference to the way you feel and how fast you age. And many of the problems like stress, which is highly associated with old-age, can be avoided entirely.

So yeah, aging is still inevitable. But the way you age is almost entirely up to you!

“Maybe you can relate, as my mom would rely on products or gadgets in the hope it would slow down her aging process. I watched her being disappointed each and every time when the results didn’t meet her expectations.”

I knew you were ready for some good news!

The difference comes down to how you apply what you already know and what you are learning. You can make the most out of your own body and health. There is no question; stress is real and has a huge impact on how fast you age.

YOU have the choice and the sooner you take action, the more effectively you can shave off the most unappealing aspects of getting older prematurely, reduce stress and put a stop to aging prematurely.

But how do you control stress & age?

Anyone can claim that aging is something you have control over. The hard part is backing that claim up with some hard evidence.

How can you really slow down your aging? And how can your decisions end up putting your body in ‘fast forward’ mode?

Let’s talk about the six things that are highly affected by stress and can make you age fast!

1. How Stress Affects Your Mobility

Most of the changes you see in your body are a result of being constantly stressed and constantly static.

After the age of 35, we begin to lose bone density gradually. This is a completely normal process and happens to all of u; although the rate of losing bone density can occur much faster in some people than in others. 
When it comes to your joints, stress causes your bones to release the minerals they need for bone formation into the bloodstream for the benefit of other tissues. 
Unfortunately, if you experience ongoing stress, your bones are continuously deprived of minerals, which can result in bone loss.

Bottom line? Stress causes us to waste our calcium and magnesium like crazy! And if you don’t use your back long enough, it’s sure to go when you try and lift that suitcase! A sure recipe for aging fast!

Make sure to check out my webinar on the 3 Body Movement Habits You Dont Know You Are Doing That Are Aging You Fast!

2. How Stress Affects Your Metabolism

Do you feel like you’re prone to putting on more weight when you’re stressed, even if you’re eating the same amount of food as you always have? Too much of the stress hormone called cortisol can impact your metabolism, causing more weight gain than you would normally experience.

I get it, some of us reach for comfort food when we’re stressed and others don’t eat at all and both are contributing to a stressed metabolism contributing to your “age moving fast forward.”
Regular exercise can help improve your physiological toughness when facing stress. It can also lead to beneficial shift in the stress response system that improves how your body reacts to future physiological stress, which may result in the body being more efficient at coping with oncoming stress.

Here is a great article on the best workout for older adults:

3. How Stress Affects Your Energy

Stress is an energy killer and no doubt; to some degree, the tiredness and sluggishness that we feel as we get older can’t be avoided. But honestly, I never knew the reasons why stress wrecks our energy and the crippling affect it has on how fast we age.

Aside from health reasons like side affects of medications or diseases, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have all the energy you need to go out for a walk, cook a healthy meal or play with your grand children.

“My mom and I used to take long and pleasant walks, and I noticed how gradually less time we were able to start with our walks before she would run out of steam”.

Even if slowing down as you age is normal, there is no golden rule that you can only have so much energy when you are on a certain age. It doesn’t have to affect how you feel with the energy that you have. Getting a good night’s rest is critical in maintaining a healthy energy level during the day; however, napping can prevent you from feeling tired at night.

Your body produces most of your energy hormones when you’re asleep. Going to bed at the same time every night and following a nightly routine has proven to help increase sleep quality and quantity which in turn will help deal with stress and therefore control how fast you age!

Also a healthy appreciation for life is crucial for keeping your stress under control and your energy high.

4. How Stress Affects Your Nutrition

Nutrition is also responsible for a large proportion of the problems you’ll struggle with as you age. Stress can decrease nutrient absorption and increase nutrient excretion. This does affect how the body uses the nutrients, as well as increase nutrient requirements.

“Once in a while my mom would try different spices, or other healthy foods that she didn’t grow up with. She would see it in a commercial or read an article about it. It always seemed to me she expected an over night miracle which of course didn’t happen”.

Contrary to popular belief, many of the health issues are associated with how stress speeds up age. This snowball affect results from years of poor nutrition.

A lack of nutrients can lead to problems with vision. Problems with hormone production, issues with bone density and much more. Surely by eating real and simple food, you can stave off numerous conditions, stay healthier and stronger, and preventing your self from aging to fast. In this way, you can maintaining full control over how stress impacts your nutrition and how fast you age.

5. How Stress Affects Your Cells

Do you know the feeling when your heart speeds up, Your muscles tense? Your face may even blush. So these are just a few of the various ways you feel your body respond to stress. But stress can also seep into your cells. Rising temperatures, toxins, infections, resource shortages and other stressors threaten how cells function — and ultimately your health.

Temperature increases can stress out cells and age you fast!

Warm them just 3 or 4 degrees, and their proteins begin to unravel and stop functioning. If they unravel too much, they tangle up with each other and form a clump that can kill the cells

We’re getting a little sciencey so bear with me. Every cell in your body has its own Doomsday Clock, ticking down to the number of times it can safely divide. This clock takes the form of a cap — called a telomere — on the ends of each chromosome. Like the plastic aglets which is the
metal or plastic tube fixed tightly around each end of a shoelace; telomeres keep the chromosome from eroding. But telomeres get shorter every time the cell divides.

Shortened telomeres have been linked to age-related diseases, such as arthritis, hypertension, stroke and diabetes, and as well as to a much faster aging process. Research also suggests that stress — both psychological and cellular — can dramatically shorten telomere length, causing cells to age fast and die prematurely.

6. How Stress Affects Your Heart

Here comes the magic bullet. The way you handle stress matter the most.
If you respond to it in unhealthy ways — such as smoking, overeating, or not exercising — that makes matters worse. On the other hand, if you exercise, connect with people, and find meaning despite the stress, that makes a difference in your emotions, in your body, and most of all, in how fast you age.

“It was a big eye opener when the doctor discovered that my mom needed a quadruple bypass. So during a car accident on the Autobahn, she rolled her car and crashed into the side plank. She climbed out of her car, not realizing that her blocked arteries are her silent killer, and the accident a life saver”.

The point is, you do have control over how fast you age. If you take the right precautions, then you can stay healthy and mobile well into your 60s, 70s, 80s and even 90s, preventing the speed of your aging!

Click on the link below to discover how young you really are by taking this quick 4 minute assessment!

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